
3 Self-Check Questions to Determine If Your Website Sucks

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Any time you engage a web design Singapore firm to overhaul or audit your website, they are going to provide you with a list of at least a dozen or more questions (sometimes a lot more), each of which is designed to help them better understand where your website is right now and where it needs to be to become a big part of your business success.

Of course, some of these questions are more important than the others, and just about every web designers out there would tell you the three questions that are more important than the rest. We want to make sure that you have instant access to these questions all the time so that you’ll be able to “self-check” on your website whenever you need to, which is why we are going to include them below.

Shall we jump right in?

Great! Let’s get right to it.

What stands out immediately?

The very first question that you are going to want to ask yourself is “what about this website that stands out immediately for me?”

You need to be 100% certain that the first element that really reaches out and grab the attention of your visitors is the element that you want it to be, and not some background piece of information (or even worse, an animated busy logo that doesn’t communicate anything at all).

You’re only going to have a handful of moments to capture the attention of your new visitors, and you’re going to need to make sure that you get them to stay on your page if you have any chance of converting them into a customer at all.

Is this important?

Secondly, you’re going to need to make sure that absolutely every single element on your page (the text, the graphics, and the interactive elements) are all important to the overall mission and goal of your website.

There is a major tendency to just kind of “throw things”, like funky graphics, cool animations, and other technology that isn’t all that important to your business goals, at your website.

Resist those temptations as they come down the pipeline. You need to remember that your website is , first and foremost, a tool to help you build your business. Everything should be align to support that goal.

What do I do now?

Finally, you’re going to need to make sure that you know exactly what you want your web visitors to do after they have landed on your website, and then make sure that all of the elements on your page move those visitors towards that action.

You can’t leave anything to chance in this competitive business environment as we live in today. Make sure that your calls to action are in place and that they are optimized so that it becomes effortless for your visitors to do exactly what you want them to.

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