Always Choose To Use Lesser Words

If your products and services need a long paragraph to explain, something is fundamentally broken.

A good website content needs to be short and to the point. However, most of our web design Singapore clients want to add more text to further explain what they do or how the process works. We understand the urge to add more words to better explain the relevant facts. However, if the user has to read a long paragraph of text just to understand what you do or how to use the interface, most users will probably leave the site.

When we are adding more words, it is often because we do not want to mislead the users in any possible way. However, most users are not that patient to read through all the text on your website. If you are new to this, it might be a painful experience to resolve it on your own. So in this article, we will like to share with you a few ways that you can shorten your website content for a better user experience.

1. Get A Good Content Writer

The most obvious approach will be to hire a good content writer if the creative agency does not help with copywriting. A good content writer will be able to assist you to shorten or rephrase the website content to fit into the design layout.

2. Use More Graphics To Illustrate The Points

A picture is worth a thousand words. A well-illustrated picture will be able to portray the meaning of the content. As most users tend to focus more on the images than lengthy text, a good image will be able to capture their attention easily. Moreover, great illustrations reflect well on the company too.

3. Only Talk About The Top Few Benefits

A product or service may have a lot of cool benefits or features that you want to show your potential customer online. But you most probably don’t have room to address every benefit or feature of your product or service. In this case, you should just select the top few compelling and most important benefits or features to address to your customers. For the rest of the features or benefits, you can either omit it altogether or list it out in point forms.

4. Cut The Excess

Once you are done with your website content, go back and read through it to remove or replace any words that are redundant. You will be surprised how much words you can cut down. Look for phrases or jargons that can be simplified. For example, “due to the fact that” can be replaced with “because”, “please do not hesitate to call us” to “please call us”.

The Takeaway

In conclusion, long paragraphs of text will just encourage your readers to skip right over it. Always keep paragraphs short and to the point. They’ll be easier on the eye and easier to read.

It might be true in some cases where long copy works well for your product or service. But by following the tips above, you will still be able to shorten the length as much as possible and produce effective copy that converts better.

How about you? Have you been using short copy effectively? Do you have any results you’d like to share? Let’s talk about it in the comments below.