
How Responsive and Flat Design Work Together

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The flat and responsive web design have been very popular among web designers all around the world, including Singapore. For those who do not understand these 2 terms. We will address these 2 points in this article.

Responsive Design


Responsive design uses the fluid layout to decide how the layout should be for each browser size. Using the CSS3 @media queries to determine the resolution of the browser size, the web designers can decide which content to show so that the viewers can get the message better. The goal of doing a responsive website is to allow the viewers to read the content and navigate easily without panning, resizing or scrolling.

One more benefit will be to focus on your SEO and SEM efforts on one website if the website is responsive. Previously, there are 2 versions of website (desktop and mobile). With the responsive design, you no longer require to create 2 versions of your website. Needless to say, you will rank better in Google if your website is a responsive one.

Flat Design


Flat design features clean, open space, crisp edges, bright colours and two-dimensional/flat illustrations. After Apple push forward the flat design in their iOS, it has become increasingly popular. Flat design gives a sense of minimalist feel and at the same time, make the design work much easier by simple, icon-like graphics. In the past, realism and 3D-look dominates the web industry. It takes more effort to create those graphics than simple and icon-like graphics.

Also with flat design, ornamental elements are viewed as unnecessary clutter. With lesser elements on the website, it allows the viewers to capture messages more quickly due to the contrasting colours from the background and the meaning of the icons used.

Designers can now focus more on the colours used rather than to create every single image to stand out. The online resource Flat UI Colors is a great place to start to help your creative efforts on flat color schemes.


In Conclusion

Both responsive and flat design aim to create a clean website that to get the idea across to the viewers as fast as possible. If you are creating your next website, you MUST adopt these 2 design approaches in order to stand out from the crowd.

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