
How To Survive In This Web Design Industry

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With the rising popularity of websites for online presence, it is undeniable that almost all the companies around the world, including Singapore, require a website for their business. If a company does not have a website now, it will be regarded as unprofessional and low quality.

Today we explore the difficulties of a web designer and what exactly do they need to do in order to survive in this hyper competitive industry.

Most web designers struggle with the whole process of finding, persuading and satisfying demanding clients, probably because there are too many web designers competing. Have you noticed it yet? The main problem is about how you portray your “appearance” and “visibility”.

Here are 4 ways to improve:

Make yourself Reliable

The biggest concern clients face with web designers is the fear that they will disappear one day and leave the work undone, after paying him/her half of the project cost. A great way of increasing your reliability is let your client see your progress and maintain in communication with your client. There are many great free tools online for you to show your progress with your clients, such as Basecamp, do give them a try!

Make yourself “searchable”

Most prospects use Google to search for web designers. If you are not found on the Google search results, then you will have a hard time finding prospects. Prospects have the impression that the first page of search engines are the top web designers around and most probably can do an awesome website for them.

Yes, we are referring to SEO. Your website must be able to be found on the first page of Google to increase your exposure to potential clients.

Be Personal

Be actively engaged with your client, the best thing you can give your client is your personal attention. You have to view yourself not only as their web designer, but also as their business consultant. Do not just ask them to fill out survey forms, but ask them questions, inquire more, they will be impressed by your attitude and hence they will have the impression that you are being reliable.

Create a brand

Web design is a competitive market, to stand out from the crowd, you have to have your own brand. Be specific, what do you want to represent? Do you want to be the king of corporate websites? Or do you want to be the king of the hipster websites? Choose what you want to be, assemble a portfolio of great works in that area and your clients will want to engage you for your service in no time.

In conclusion, remember to be truthful to yourself, and be responsible to your clients. Web design is not meant to be easy as there are many expectations to manage. At the end of the day, delivering great quality websites and managing your time well will be the most important challenge you have to face.

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