
Significance Of Color Choice In Web Design

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Colors can be appealing but only when used properly to communicate the desired message. This is true in life as it is when it is for web design and should be considered as an important element if you want to create a great website. According to psychologists, people are highly susceptible to color impressions on subconscious level and therefore can shun or fall in love with a website simply because of the colors used in the design. Colors can trigger a positive impact from users and as a result determine how long they stay on your website. The main objective for professional web design is to make visitors stay longer, entice them to act positively, thus increasing the conversion rate. Below are some points you should consider when choosing the colors to use during your website design stage.

Consider your products or services

Your color schemes should match the services or products you are seeking to market. For example, it is obvious that colors such as red or orange won’t be appropriate if you are selling ‘green’ or environmental products. Instead, green will be the most appropriate or earth tones.

Consider your target audience

Experts from web design company in Singapore should help you identify colors that are appropriate for the target audience. Colors that appeal to a young generation or teens might not work for older folks. In addition, some bright colors such as blue, red and yellow are associated with eye fatigue and might repel the visitors. On the other hand, colors such as light pink and purple are more appealing for female visitors while green and black might be more appealing to men. Always have your target audience in mind during your web design.

Have the right balance

To maintain the desired focus on the website, it is always important to use a different color on the background and then use black for the text. Black text is normally easy to read and friendly to the eyes as it causes no distractions. The choice of colors should be relative to the brand you are highlighting. Red will be ideal for ‘call to action’ or children products as it invokes emotions. Seek to know the significance of different colors and see how you can use them effectively during when designing your website.

When choosing your colors, make sure you do not overuse them or else your website will look like a rainbow. Always keep things simple and colors to a minimum. A good web designer will tell you that 2 or 3 colors are sufficient for a website and that usually falls back on the logo color scheme. It will definitely make a good first impression for your potential customers.

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