What does it mean to do something ”like a girl”?

After reading this article and watching these 2 videos, you’ll probably never use the phrase “like a girl” in a negative way — intentionally or not — again.
Procter & Gamble (P&G) produced a series of videos to illustrate their feminine hygiene brand’s mission by redefining the phrase “like a girl” and tackle the issue of confidence and aims to dispel misconceptions such as “girls can’t be brave” and “girls aren’t strong”.
In the first video, a group of men and women were tasked to act out how it looks like to run, fight and throw like a girl. So each participant pretends to run “like a girl” and throw “like a girl” without realizing that they are actually insulting girls. Then the next group of young girls was asked to perform the same tasks as the group of adults, but the results were totally different. The young girls act out athletic and deliberate motions. Now suddenly, the group of men and women realized their mistake. This video became viral last year, and the series of #LikeAGirl videos began. They even have a website designed for this campaign at http://always.com/en-us/about-us/our-epic-battle-like-a-girl.
For your convenience, we have embedded the videos below for you to watch, and hopefully, you can also join in their campaign and show the world what it means to do things #LIKEAGIRL.
[fve]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjJQBjWYDTs?rel=0[/fve] [fve]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhB3l1gCz2E?rel=0[/fve]